Friday, September 5, 2014

Oyster Extract & Prostate Health

Oyster Extract & Prostate Health
Prostate issues affect a large amount of the male population over 50 years old. These issues manifest as hyperplasia or swelling of the prostate, impotence issues, urinary issues and to top it all off, cancer issues. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men and 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate tumor in their lifetime. Components such as age, lifestyle and family history are all significant in the onset of prostate problems. However men should be familiar with one exceptionally essential viewpoint to prostate health over which they have complete control and this is the range of zinc nourishment which OysterMax provides.

Research conducted at the Linus Pauling institute in Oregon State University has demonstrated that prostate swelling typically occurs prior to prostate cancer. This swelling or hyperplasia as it is known has additionally been demonstrated to be connected with zinc deficiency. They additionally indicated sometime during these examinations (in vitro) that this prostate swelling could be decreased by satisfactory zinc consumption or intake. OysterMax provides this.

As we know that the prostate gland contains the highest concentration of zinc of any organ in the human body. Science is unsure of the purpose behind this however malignant prostate organs have been indicated to have less zinc than healthy ones. That said, zinc has numerous other important functions in the body particularly around immunity, so anyone diagnosed with prostate cancer should not ignore zinc nourishment that OysterMax provides.

An adequate supply of quality zinc would appear to be a good policy in helping to prevent the onset of prostate problems. However deciding on the right zinc supplement is not as easy as you may think. They are many synthetic ones on the market and research has shown that taking zinc on its own may upset the delicate balance it maintains with other trace elements in the body. For example, copper absorption may be affected by taking too much zinc. As copper and zinc are needed together in a large number of enzyme processes in the body, we must be careful to respect the balance.

A sufficient supply of great quality zinc, as provided by OysterMax would seem, by all accounts, to be a decent strategy in preventing the onset of prostate issues.

Oyster extract is a very good source of natural zinc. Then again it holds zinc, as well as the majority of the 59 components the body needs. These are adjusted by nature, as nature proposed. Indeed oysters hold 10 times more zinc than the most astounding source which is red meat. A good quality oyster extract will hold no less than 3mg of zinc for each 1g of powder which is the amount of zinc provided by OysterMax. Some however could be as low as 0.1mg for each 1g of powder and these brands are clearly less successful or effective.

For more details regarding Oyster Extract & its Benefits visit the following link or Buy these Health Supplements & Beauty products online from; and

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