Sunday, September 7, 2014

Reasons why Oyster Capsules are considered a superior Zinc Supplement

Reasons why Oyster Capsules are considered as a superior Zinc Supplement
Zinc deficiency affects over 80% of the adult population. It is a crucial element necessary in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. Pregnant ladies, Athletes, sexually dynamic guys and anybody feeling the burdens and strains of advanced life all have high demands for zinc. Zinc deficiency symptoms vary from low immunity to low libido, poor skin to prostate health issues and hormonal balancing.

In any case, for those of us who feel they require more zinc than their regular diet provides should choose the right zinc supplement, OysterMax.

Examples why Oyster Extract capsules, OysterMax are considered as the superior zinc supplement in today’s times;

  1. Oysters are considered the highest NATURAL source of zinc, tens times higher than the second source which is red meat.
  1. Oysters contain not just zinc, they hold the majority of the 59 components our body requires for the right physiological working of all the biochemical pathways.
  1. The zinc in OysterMax Oyster extract capsules is bound to amino acids which makes it exceptionally bioavailable. This is more viable than cheated zinc supplements and far better than synthetic zinc supplements.
  1. The zinc in OysterMax oyster extract capsules is adjusted with other key co-variable components, for example, copper, manganese and selenium in a manner that brings about a noticeable improvement together. This adjusting is carried out by nature, as nature proposed.
  1. OysterMax Oyster extract capsules are not just high in zinc, they hold numerous other compounds which profit general wellbeing and Health.
  1. OysterMax Oyster extract capsules are classified as a Super food. Since they are not synthetic there is no threat to the body's natural chemistry by taking more. Individuals taking 12-16 capsules every day have reported zero exhaustion. Numerous athletes take more capsules in excess because of their required demands with astonishing results.

The benefits of Zinc Supplement or to try the product Oyster Extract Capsule. For more information visit: or Buy these Health Supplements & Beauty products online from; and

Friday, September 5, 2014

Oyster Extract & Prostate Health

Oyster Extract & Prostate Health
Prostate issues affect a large amount of the male population over 50 years old. These issues manifest as hyperplasia or swelling of the prostate, impotence issues, urinary issues and to top it all off, cancer issues. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men and 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate tumor in their lifetime. Components such as age, lifestyle and family history are all significant in the onset of prostate problems. However men should be familiar with one exceptionally essential viewpoint to prostate health over which they have complete control and this is the range of zinc nourishment which OysterMax provides.

Research conducted at the Linus Pauling institute in Oregon State University has demonstrated that prostate swelling typically occurs prior to prostate cancer. This swelling or hyperplasia as it is known has additionally been demonstrated to be connected with zinc deficiency. They additionally indicated sometime during these examinations (in vitro) that this prostate swelling could be decreased by satisfactory zinc consumption or intake. OysterMax provides this.

As we know that the prostate gland contains the highest concentration of zinc of any organ in the human body. Science is unsure of the purpose behind this however malignant prostate organs have been indicated to have less zinc than healthy ones. That said, zinc has numerous other important functions in the body particularly around immunity, so anyone diagnosed with prostate cancer should not ignore zinc nourishment that OysterMax provides.

An adequate supply of quality zinc would appear to be a good policy in helping to prevent the onset of prostate problems. However deciding on the right zinc supplement is not as easy as you may think. They are many synthetic ones on the market and research has shown that taking zinc on its own may upset the delicate balance it maintains with other trace elements in the body. For example, copper absorption may be affected by taking too much zinc. As copper and zinc are needed together in a large number of enzyme processes in the body, we must be careful to respect the balance.

A sufficient supply of great quality zinc, as provided by OysterMax would seem, by all accounts, to be a decent strategy in preventing the onset of prostate issues.

Oyster extract is a very good source of natural zinc. Then again it holds zinc, as well as the majority of the 59 components the body needs. These are adjusted by nature, as nature proposed. Indeed oysters hold 10 times more zinc than the most astounding source which is red meat. A good quality oyster extract will hold no less than 3mg of zinc for each 1g of powder which is the amount of zinc provided by OysterMax. Some however could be as low as 0.1mg for each 1g of powder and these brands are clearly less successful or effective.

For more details regarding Oyster Extract & its Benefits visit the following link or Buy these Health Supplements & Beauty products online from; and

Immune System Response can be raised by Oyster Extract

Immune System Response can be raised by Oyster Extract

At the point when one considers oysters, the mind normally races to pictures of Casanova, sexual drive. Relatively few individuals think about immunity, cold and flu prevention or infection resistance. Oyster Extract has some pretty remarkable benefits and also boost the immune response.

Oyster extract is the dried meat of the oyster. It is then powdered and put in a capsule or made into a tablet. Assuming it is produced with due respect for the time of harvest, it holds each of the 59 components required by the body, vitamins, amino acids, taurine, omega 3 & 6 fish oils and it is the highest natural source of zinc. OysterMax uses oyster extract specifically harvested at times of the year when zinc potency is highest, and very few other companies making oyster extract recognize this.

It is this common, natural, bio accessible zinc which is of great interest to OysterMax. The oyster aggregates zinc to much larger amounts than any possible creature known. The explanation behind this, while not plainly characterized by science, has a great deal to do with the oysters own immunity.

The oyster produces large quantities of an anti-oxidant called SOD or superoxide dismutase. However, to make SOD the oyster needs lots of zinc, and this is the reason they have high levels of zinc in the body.
The good news for us is that if we take an extract that is produced from these SOD molecules, we will be taking an extremely intense type of zinc supplement that will have an exceptionally advantageous impact on our own immunity. OysterMax provides this.

This zinc empowers the immune reaction by stimulating the Thymus organ to create the hormone thymulin. Thymulin stimulates the T-Cells and the T4 aide cells and both these cells are critical to a healthy immune system. This same zinc additionally helps our bodies produce human SOD much the same as in the oyster, and when our bodies are battling disease and creating free radicals, it cleans these up avoiding further tissue harm in our bodies.

An improved immune system response is of great benefit to anyone with compromised immunity like HIV patients or people undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These include the elderly whose zinc absorption slows with age, alcoholics, and athletes who secrete a lot of zinc during training. Certain groups who are prone to zinc deficiency will also benefit greatly from oyster extract.

For more information regarding Oysters & Immune System visit: or Buy these Health Supplements & Beauty products online from; and

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Oyster Extract is used for Peak Performance

Oyster Extract should be part of your heath program. In particular it helps in balancing trace mineral levels in the body to maintain peak hormonal and enzymatic functioning. Have you ever had that feeling that you are missing something in your diet, knowing there is some imbalance in there that you just can’t figure out? Oyster Extract  is the answer to it.

Oyster Extract is used for Peak Performance

Numerous individuals have a biochemical irregularity. Specialists and advisors will attempt to recognize this by different means. They may select blood tests, hair analysis and use different other demonstrative devices and routines to achieve a conclusion. A few specialists or therapists however will use oyster extract.

By getting their customers to use oyster extract powder, like OysterMax or Oysterbal, they realize that every single one of the 59 components the body needs are available in sufficient and amazingly bioavailable amounts.

Moreover, where insufficiencies are distinguished by the more customary expository systems and micro-supplements are therefore directed, certain irregular characteristics may come about which can prompt more indications. With shellfish concentrate cases this does not happen, as the aggregate exhibit of follow components are displayed in an adjusted biochemical network.

With Oyster Extract, like OysterMax or Oysterbal,  you get improved energy levels, stronger immunity, smoother complexion and better sexual health and ensure peak performance as you require. Oyster Extract Capsules are the highest natural source of zinc and also contain each and every one of the 59 trace elements. Before you choose Oyster Extract capsules make sure you choose pure, high zinc, oyster extract capsules like OysterMax or Oysterbal. Think before you zinc!

To learn more about the most potent oyster extract powder available or to try the product visit or Buy these Health Supplements & Beauty products online from; and

How to increase Your Libido with Oysters

How to increase Your Libido with Oysters

Everybody who has tried libido boosters is aware of the power of Oysters. Everyone believes that it supports sexual stamina in light of the fact that it takes after the female genitalia. In accordance with these therapeutic practices, numerous natural items, such as herbal products, contain oyster extract to help in increasing sex drive. No ifs ands or buts, Oyster meat is a key part/ingredient in many male enhancement supplements. One bottle of OysterMax contains the concentrated extract of over 60 fresh oysters.

In reference to Ayurvedic medication in India, Oysters are called "kilingjal" in Tamil dialect. The inward coating of the oyster shell is beat into a fine powder and used to treat digestive issue like looseness of the bowels i.e. diarrhea and intestinal issues. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the oyster shell powder is additionally used to maintain liver and heart function.

Scientifically though, Crassostrea gigas, or the oyster variety frequently served raw, is known to be rich in selenium and zinc. Zinc has been known to enhance testosterone levels and sperm production, as reported in 2007 by the diary Medical Principles and Practice. Zinc is utilized as a therapy which helps men with low sperm number. Each daily dosage of OysterMax contains 4mg of natural zinc.

As per the Indian Journal of Urology in 2006, oyster meat gives endurance, enhances nerve function, and maintains the male reproductive system. It also says it is oysters that trigger libido. As indicated by, oysters hold dopamine, a hormone that is discharged by the brain in the wake of invigorating exercises like sex. Accordingly, dopamine gives the inclination of joy and pleasure. One bottle of OysterMax contains the concentrated extract of 60 fresh oysters.

Visit to read more about Oysters or Purchase the product or Buy these Health Supplements & Beauty products online from; and

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Increase Testosterone with Oyster Extract

Increase Testosterone with Oyster Extract

How Testosterone is increased by Oyster Extract:
For quite some time consuming oysters has been known as a sex food. Countless individuals say that oysters increase their sexual desire. There are additionally various studies and researches that back this. An article is: 'Do oysters scientifically and logically increase testosterone levels?' Oysters are greatly high in Zinc. Zinc has been demonstrated to naturally promote healthy testosterone levels in men. Truth be told, failing to offer the mineral Zinc can really cause a decrease in testosterone. Oysters are invigorated with vitamins; particularly Vitamin D. Vitamin D is known to help increase testosterone levels in men also. They're likewise high in protein and we realize that high protein diets supports and increases testosterone.

What Does actually Oyster Extract Do?
Oyster extract is for anybody looking to increase their vitamin and mineral consumption. Oyster extract is basically suggested to those having mineral deficiencies in Zinc, Vitamin D. Numerous individuals essentially don't get enough of the vitamins and minerals they requirement for their body to perform ideally. OysterMax contains 59 Trace Elements, 12 Vitamins, 19 Amino Acids including Taurine & Essential Fish Oils EPA and DHA. Oyster Extract is the purest and most effective form of vitamins and minerals. Oyster extract alone is additionally said to help increase testosterone naturally.

Who can take Oyster Extract?
Oyster Extract is beneficial to players, weight lifters, weightlifters and any individual who carries on with a dynamic lifestyle. Our bodies use minerals and supplements when we work out, and those need to be renewed to keep up execution and recovery. Additionally, those of us who practice or exercise consistently will require a greater amount of these Oystermax supplements than a typical individual who carries on with a narcotic lifestyle. Our bodies have higher nourishing demands and these demands can be fulfilled by oystermax capsules. By Taking OysterMax capsules Testosterone is enhanced easily.  If your T level are low, oyster extract is a perfect solution for boosting your Testosterone.  Testosterone is considered to be important for overall health in men. Having ideal testosterone levels is basic to execution inside and out, regardless of what exercises you're included in.

Benefits of Oyster Extract
1.  May naturally increase testosterone levels
2.  Quality source of vitamins and minerals
3.  Helps build lean muscle tissue
4.  Can help decrease unwanted body fat
5.  Enhances energy and performance
6.  Improving Sexual Health and also increase sexual desire.

For more details regarding OysterMax Oyster Extract visit: or Buy these Health Supplements & Beauty products online from; and